Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy 20th Birthday to Elder Jacob Thomas Harrison!

Email dated 9/14/2012

This week was awesome, especially today because it is my birthday. Thank you to everybody that sent me something, I got some stuff yesterday and got a package today but I know there is some mail waiting for me I just can't open it till tonight. 
This week we will be saying goodbye to a second advanced district. They are the ones that speak spanish really weel and only have to stay here for three weeks, we work pretty closely with them and ask them questions and practice speaking, we get to make friends with them just before they leave. We should get another one before the rest of us go to the field so that'll be pretty cool. You get to meet all sorts of people you would never meet anywhere else.

 Last friday I participated in a tie draft which is when a bunch of elders get together put one of their ties onto a rack and then put their name into a hat. After all the names and ties are offered, an impartial elder starts drawing names and when your name gets picked you have ten seconds to pick a tie from the pot. Ten seconds seems like a long time to choose but it's a tough decision because most of the elders bring really ugly ties so there isn't much to choose from. Last week My name got picked like fourth to last so I got a really interesting one probably leftover from the early 90's.

 Yesterday our teacher showed us a really cool and mission applicable game where we have cards with gospel doctrines and other words on them and when he hands one to someone they have to start teaching about it. Everybody has to listen intently because when they talk for a while he hands a different card to somebody else and they have to teach what's on that card after somehow smoothly transitioning from one topic to the next. It's really helping my companions and I to teach as one and have a clear central message. Most of the stuff we do here is pretty monotonous but we try to keep things interesting by finding fun things like that to shake things up a little. I am enjoying my time here and am enjoying learning spanish, I'm not ready to go pro but if i keep working hard I can be pretty well fluent by the time I get to the field.

 I think I mentioned that I had an "Investigator" named Ronaldo in one of my previous emails. We've been teaching him for a while he's going to be fake baptised tomorrow. Since it's not real we won't really no anything untill we do our follow up lesson and see how he felt and how we can help him continue to progress. I can't wait to be in the field and doing this kind of thing for real, I'll face alot of rejection and disapointment field but I can't imagine how I'll feel when I really do bring a real person to Christ. I know that this work and this message will help people improve their lives or even help them turn their life around.

 I'm glad I had good parents and teachers and leaders to teach me the gospel and build my testimony because one of the big points they keep teaching us here is that you can't teach anything with power and conviction if you don't believe it with power and conviction. I do know this gospel is of God and I'm pumped to share that knowledge with other people and bring them the happiness and strength that it has brought me. I'm out of time for this week but i wrote plenty of letters so those will have a little more in them. Till next week, Elder Harrison.

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