Sunday, September 23, 2012

"It's amazing how much I've already changed...."

The end of my stay in the MTC is steadily approaching and I'm very excited for Nebraska.

 I still get along with my companions and can teach pretty well with them but it's safe to say that I'm also excited for a new companion. This week in the TRC with member volunteers we get to give a forty minute lesson instead of two twenty minute lessons. We like that because our twenty minute lessons usually last like half an hour, not that we are long winded or really knowledgeable it just takes us a while to say anything. 

We are really starting to get the hang of the language now though, I can say a lot of stuff I want to and if I don't know a word I can usually just talk around it. I love the language, I can't wait to be fluent enough to really express myself and the gospel as well as I can in English, hopefully better. 

Wave and waves of new missionaries come every week and I love saying welcome to the MTC when I see their orange dots on their name tags. Hopefully I'll have a chance to be a new missionary host and show the greenies around campus. Now that we've been together a while our district is pretty tight and we have lots of fun together. 

 We're already talking about reunions after we all get back from our mission. Except talking about what we did before our missions or what we'll do after is kind of off limits because its super distracting, I sometimes look back or forward to who I was and who I'm going to become.

 I'm glad I'm better than I was and I know I'm going to be really different when I make it back home. I just hope I'm not too weird from never hugging or flirting with girls, I don't want to lose my game. I'll have to relearn that part of me but I'm hoping to keep all the good habits I develop while I'm working out in Nebraska and keep all the bad habits away. 

My mom would be happy to know that I fold my clothes and put them in drawers and make my bed every morning. I keep my shirts on hangers and my shoes shined in my closet. It's amazing how much I've already changed, and it's change for the better.
 I don't have a whole lot of time left this week but I send my love to my family and everybody back home.

 Thanks everybody for sending me letters and dear elders and keeping me up to date on everything going on back home. If I write letters to you and something I write sounds funny or is spelled weird it's probably because I started thinking Spanish and it tripped me up. I'm not a pro yet or anything but I'm starting to accidentally speak it which is probably a good thing. I guess that's what happens when you pray and study all the time and try your hardest to learn a language and then God helps you out with the rest. Until next week,

Elder Harrison

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