Friday, September 28, 2012

"I got my travel plans today!

I got my travel plans today! I leave the 9th of October and fly to Denver then to Nebraska. I do have a bit of a layover in Colorado where I'll be able to call home. I'll be able to talk from like 11 something to 1pm. Make plans for a call then. I love the MTC but I'm so ready to get to the field already. I got a letter from my mission president and he said he's looking forward to my arrival. I can't wait to pack up my things and head to my new home. 

Everybody here keeps telling me they've heard Nebraska is nice, i looked the mission up on the lds website and there are more densely populated cities than I thought there would be. I also looked up my house in nampa but i got off the page pretty quick because i started to get homesick. Don't worry about me though, I'm having a good time and I've been carefully maintain my good attitude, which is easy because I'm doing the work of the Lord. The MTC is actually pretty empty right now, lots of people left this week. 

It's weird that there aren't as many people here as when I came but I don't mind shorter lines for food and for computers come email time. I love getting all the letters and emails from everybody, keep them coming, maybe a few more with good news. 

I skipped a page in my journal on accident and didn't know what to do with it but then I started writing the names of elders that I meet and really get along with. I've got like thirty names and I haven't even gotten to the field yet. Forgive me if when i get back i just spend a day adding elders names on facebook. 

My Spanish is getting better and better still and I'm starting to speak it most of the day, It's really easy to slip back to English but I'm trying and the practice helps a lot. The other day I was reading a Spanish hymn book and it was on "I'll go where you want me to go" which is "A donde me mandes ire". I couldn't remember how the song started so i asked a BYU custodian if she knew. She had no idea what I was saying and said she didn't speak Spanish and it took me a while to realize that i asked her in Spanish. If I can accidentally speak Spanish after a month and a half i can probably learn to speak Spanish well and on purpose before too much longer. 

I'm the same weight as when I left but I'm in way better shape, I even got a free shirt because an elder in my hall ate too much to fit into it. 

Since i fake baptized one of my investigators the other day the teacher became now acts like somebody else who is totally different. I actually like teaching now that I can say most of the stuff I want to. A teacher from down the hall came into our class the other day and taught us about how to connect the gospel to the needs of our investigators and it was really cool to see him make up a situation and demonstrate tailoring the lesson accordingly. When you know how to connect the message to the person you can really help them know exactly what it can do for their life.

I don't know how next week will go with email and stuff because of conference but I'll email next time I can. Until then, remember that I send my love and I pray for everybody back home missing me. That's about all I have time for this time.

Elder Harrison

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